Donnerstag, 3. April 2014


It was only a few weeks ago that my parents surprised me with booking a short trip to Indonesia and here I am looking at pictures I took and wishing I could press the reply button for the past few days. 

The trip started really early on Saturday morning and because my entire family does not function before a first cup of coffee we decided to get up even a bit earlier to enjoy our secret weapon against tiredness and bad mood. 

A taxi brought us to the ferry terminal and after double and triple checking our passports various times we where allowed to board the boat, which was supposed to bring us to our final destination, Bintan Island. After thoroughly traveling through Indonesia a few years ago we were pretty much done with the cultural part of the country and focused on simply enjoying the beautiful beaches this time. 

A lady with the most charming smile handed out the immigration cards on the ferry, which said "Welcome" in the first sentence and casually mentions death penalty in the next one. I don't know if it's just me but that made the welcome part sound slightly less convincing but I'm probably just overreacting. 

To my great disappointment, passengers were not allowed to enter the deck but as a consolation, staff  turned on the oversized TV and showed Ice Age at full volume so that even Bruce Jenner would be able to follow. 

After only an hour, we arrived at our final destination and were brought to the resort.  As soon as I entered the beach, the Olympic Games of Sunburn were declared open, in which the different parts of my body competed against each other in the supreme discipline of who will turn into the brightest shade of red in the least amount of time. Frontrunners are usually toes and nose but this time the elbow got crowned as a surprise winner, triumphantly outshining the other contestants. At least we didn't have trouble finding back to our hotel room after dinner when the lights were turned off because of "earth hour" since my elbow reliably lighted the way through the dark. 

I've tried everything to boycott the games, from making the starting conditions extremely difficult by using 50+ sun lotion, constantly hiding out in the shade or wearing t-shirts in the water but there is nothing that could stop the participants. 

The past few days sort of merged into each other and mainly consisted of doing pretty much nothing except for eating, sleeping, relaxing and swimming. It never ceases to amaze me how differently the term "beach holiday" can be interpreted. Whilst for me it means sleeping late and relaxing, most of my family members try to squeeze in as many activities as possible and end up having crazy schedules which makes them play tennis at 7am or participating in jungle night trails. Don't get me wrong, when I am on a vacation in order to explore a country you wouldn't have to drag me out of bed because I'd be up first and you wouldn't have to convince me to do trips but when I'm on a beach holiday it's just a different story for me. 

All in all it was an amazing trip to this beautiful island.

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