Donnerstag, 20. März 2014


As tomorrow is the last day of this term, I decided to do a little resumé on my impressions and experiences I made during the first few weeks. I still can't believe we are about to finish this first chapter here in Buckingham because I still remember how excited I was before arriving and starting this course. 

In the last two months I met great people, learned how to properly eat weetabix, broke down certain barriers and went full retard on more occasions than I prefer. One of my biggest success is probably that I am now capable of leaving Chandos Road Building without running against the glass door because I forgot to press the green button (this is trickier than it sounds). When I am presenting for a story now, I don't need 20 takes anymore because I'm so nervous that I forget how to speak English, and end up insulting the camera in German. And I've learnt that there simply is not enough money for good food and booze at the same time.

Even though it was quite a lot of work, I realized that in the end it's just doing what I love doing. It still seems so surreal that going to "school" now means learning about camera angles, interview techniques and photoshop and assignments are designing posters or running around Buckingham equipped with a camera and dictaphone trying to get people's opinions for a vox pop. 

I still remember those days when "homework" meant connecting the dots or collecting at least five different types of leaves for a biology project. Back than going to University was something that felt so so unbelievingly far away that I sometimes actually thought it would never happen to me. University for me was the ultimate stage of being a grown-up. 

Well, here I am actually in University and far, far away of being grown-up. Maybe that is the trick though, keeping the little kid inside of you alive while maturing at the same time. I don't know where the further journey is going to take me, but I feel like I've chosen the right starting point.

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