Mittwoch, 19. März 2014


Have you ever been in a situation, where you wished for having attended a first aid course before? Luckily, I've never made such an experience… until two days ago. While walking home from the library, I came across a clearly intoxicated woman, stumbling in the middle of the road, who was heavily breathing and repetitively moaning she was going to faint: clearly a case for an ambulance. 

Depending on where the next hospital with an ambulance service is located from your position, it can take quite a while until they arrive and are able to come to your aid. While waiting for the ambulance two days ago, I was just absolutely terrified that the woman might faint before the ambulance is going to arrive and what would I have done? I do not have any kind of training in that field so I wouldn't have been able to do anything, which made me feel help- and useless. Fortunately, the ambulance arrived before worse happened but I might not always be that lucky.

This is why I do not only want to take a first aid course in my next holiday but I also believe that a first aid course should be made compulsory in college or latest in university. I guess that most of the people, including me, don't or didn't take classes because you don't feel like you'll eve be in a situation where you'd need it. Stuff like that happens to other people or on television but my experience made clear that you can be in such a situation quite easily and the feeling of helplessness is terrifying. 

The Red Cross in Australia, for example, already stressed the importance of making a first aid training compulsory in schools on their homepage:

I will now start googling where I can attend such a training in order to be better prepared in case of an emergency the next time. 

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