Dienstag, 18. März 2014


The Ukraine Fashion Week kicked-off last week although there were plans of postponing the event due to the political unrest the country is facing at the moment. 

“We thought of postponing Ukrainian Fashion Week, but when the Crimea situation began we knew we had to do it now. We need to show the outside world that we’re unbroken and that we’re strong.” said Danylevska , who is one of the founders of the annual event. 
Roughly 40 designers present their collections and many took the chance to combine politics and fashion by presenting outfits with a clear statement. 
Designer Olga Navrotska, for example, designed sweatshirts which say "Stop the Regime" and "Stop Putin".

The Label Zalevskiy dressed their models up as prisoners and let them present the collection on a fenced catwalk.

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