Montag, 17. März 2014


If you already came across newly coined words such as "Cronut", "Bruffins" or "Cragels", you are definitely up to date on the newest culinary trend: food hybrids.

A New York pastry chef, Dominique Ansels, created the so-called "Cronut", which is a mash-up between a croissant and a donut. Soon followed the "Bruffin" (brioche + muffin) or "Cragel" (croissant + bagel). Even savoury fast foods such as Burger and Ramen Noodles, cannot escape this trend, as you can now buy a Ramen Burger.

The New York Daily News ( predicted even more trends to surprise us in 2014.

Well, I've been asking myself: how come they are such a hit and flooding bakeries and fast food shops all across the world?

I believe that people nowadays want everything at once, they want more, they want the maximum they could possibly get. In addition to that, I think that people are afraid that they could miss out on anything and don't like to make decisions. Whereas previously, consumers had to choose between having a croissant or a bagel, you can now have both at the same time. Making decisions automatically means that you can lose because maybe the croissant turns out to be really nasty and you friends bagel is absolutely to die for. And the rest of the day you'd be angry for not choosing the bagel as well.

I've noticed these hybrids not only when it comes to food but also sports. Piloxing, yogalates or aqua spinning are just a few examples of fitness mash-ups, that seem to be taking over the fitness centers. You would love to do Yoga AND Pilates but you really do not have the time for two different classes? No worries, we offer a combination where you can have both in only one class. Sounds tempting, huh? You save time and the annoying process of having to make a decision.

Well, I am really curious what else we are being offered in the future as long as I can still simply enjoy my croissant while having a nice cup of filter coffee.

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