Sonntag, 16. März 2014


In exactly one week from now I will board the plane to Singapore and I am just way too excited to come "home". Being an International student here in Buckingham, I've had many people asking me if I missed home. Well, here we are again: which home would I be missing? Can you be homesick without actually having a "home"? 

I did some research on different definitions or proverbs about home and they usually contain the elements of family and friends. Now, this is getting difficult for me since nearly all my friends from Brussels, Beijing and even Tokyo are scattered across Germany or the Netherlands, where they go to Uni as well. My family, on the other hand, lives partly in Germany, my brother in the Netherlands, my cousin is in Canada right now and my parents in Singapore. Calling Singapore my "home" is probably the most "reasonable" place from all the other ones but than again I have only spent 4 months there myself. Is that long enough for a city to become your "home"?

Another common saying is "home is where the heart is". Hmmh. Not sure. My heart is in my body, I am in Buckingham and how can I actually miss Buckingham while being here? Or does that mean Buckingham is now home so I can't even be homesick? I'm confused.

This is why I'm gonna get back to my "home-is-a-pizza-theory" (for those who haven't read it yet, here's the link: I actually believe that the pizza theory can also solve this homesickness-mistery. So basically my "pizza" contains various slices, with different toppings and you know how you sometimes feel like having a pizza margharita, whereas on other days you'd prefer a hawaii one or crave a spicy pepperoni pizza? This is basically me and "homesickness", sometimes I just get nostalgic feelings about Beijing whereas on other days I miss Brussels or look at pictures I took in Singapore. I guess that means that I can have the feeling of homesickness towards all the places I have lived so far and it simply depends on who and what I miss right now.

Well, now that this mistery is solved I can simply look forward to the time I'll be spending in Singapore.

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