Montag, 10. März 2014


Some people just have the weirdest addictions: I read about a woman being addicted to smelling and chewing on diapers, a 45-year old mother of two drinking blood OR a so-called "tanorexic", who has spent £30,000 on tanning. 

A few days ago, I read about an article ( on Jakki Ballan, a diet coke addict, who drinks up to ten litres of her favorite drink per day. 

The first question that came to my mind was: how can her bladder manage to not explode with up to ten litres coke a day? Anyway, I guess that's not the point, the point is probably that she has spent in total £150,000 on a soft drink, suffers from hallucinations and is now seeking medical treatment. 

Even though that is a whole new level of addiction, I believe that everyone is addicted to something they know is actually ridiculous. I have a friend, for example, who could not survive for an hour without putting a new and hundredth layer of labello chapstick on her lips. Me for my turn, I used to be addicted to a special type of mints you could only buy in China, so whenever I went back to Beijing to visit friends I would buy at least 20 new packages and take them home with me. 

Do you have any weird addictions? Don't be afraid to share them!

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