Sonntag, 9. März 2014


Hollywood's newest fitness and health craze is the so-called "green smoothie", a blended drink which you can make out of basically everything that grows underneath the earth, above ground or on trees. The most common ingredients are allegedly kale, spinach, bananas and all sorts of frozen berries and some recipes even suggest cottage cheese or greek yogurt. Oh well. My first reaction was: what is wrong with actually just cooking spinach or peeling a banana? To be fair, I haven't found an answer yet but I wanted to try the green elixir myself before becoming too judgmental. 

I went with an easy recipe, for which you only needed 1/2 cup of chopped kale, 1/2 cup fresh spinach, one kiwi and some frozen berries. I'm not gonna go into further details about the color because I'm pretty sure you can imagine how appetizing the mix of green and purple looks like. 

One last deep breath, nastrovje and I drank it in one go. After this experience I really think they should have played the necknominations with green smoothies instead of beer, that would have at least been an actual challenge. 

I don't even know what made me think for a bare second that liquid vegetables could be tasty because hell no, they are not. And all the Hollywood stars who allegedly love the drink of course not because of the health benefits but only for the taste should be slapped in the face. With a big piece of greasy, oily, fatty bacon. 

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