Samstag, 8. März 2014


While wasting my life scrolling through buzzfeed today, I came across the "What Kind Of Cookie Are You? quiz ( and I decided to take it because that seemed like a decent activity for a lazy Saturday. 
I was getting really excited when I finished the quiz and guess who I am? An Oatmeal raisin cookie. OATMEAL RAISIN COOKIE. Honestly? 

I am completely furious, I am outraged and deeply hurt. I mean it doesn't have to be the Oreo Double Cream Cookie, fair enough but I was expecting maybe a peanut butter cookie or at least a shortbread. 

I have a profound dislike towards oatmeal raisin cookies for a reason: they are a disappointment whenever you have them. Do you know the situation when you come home from a shitty day and you see that someone filled up the cookie jar so you contentedly reach into the jar, take one out and put it in your mouth, expecting the divine combination of cookie and chocolate, only to find out that the chocolate chips are in fact raisins? Saddest moment of my life. 

They are a disappointment because they are by far not as tasty as they are promising to be, and I am pretty sure that people only by them in the first place because they mistake them for chocolate chip cookies. 

The quiz therefore insulted me severely, basically saying I was an utterly boring and disappointing cookie, who is pretending to be much more delicious by faking to contain chocolate. Ouch. In order to get over this severe case of cyber bullying. I'll pop into Londis now and get myself some Double-Stuf Oreo cookies. At least they don't have a cheep fruity knock-off version to get confused with. 

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