Sonntag, 2. März 2014


Those who don't really know me are probably asking themselves right now why I'd post a photo of some random little lad on my blog. Others that more or less grew up with me, know about my past of being a tomboy and realize that the kid on the photo is in fact me. Yep, that's 5-year old me in our front garden in Tokyo 1999. 

A few months before the photo was taken, I decided that it was time for a little make-over and cut my hair with our kitchen scissors. To make the look even more fashionable, I only shortened my hair on one side which made me look like an early version of Skrillex.

When my mom saw the mess I had made, she immediately called our hairdresser to make an appointment. As fate willed, however, there was no appointment available until next day so I had to go to kindergarten wearing a haircut which reminded a lot of an old dust mop. 

Of course my new haircut arouse a lot of attention and when my kindergarten teacher asked me what had happened I shamelessly answered that it was my mom who cut it off. Gosh, kids can be so cheeky. 

Anyway, I kept the hair that short for a long time and that in combination with me only being called "Leo" and wearing my older brother's clothes sometimes led to confusion concerning my gender. 

Nowadays I could never imagine my hair to ever be short again and I only shop in the woman's section in a store. From time to time, however, I feel a certain nostalgia when I think back of my days as a boy because those were definitely the easiest ones I have had so far. 

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