Samstag, 1. März 2014


Last night, me and my friends realized that more and more British expressions are starting to creep into my treasury of words. 

They were especially amused about me using the question words "oh is it?" after basically every sentence of my conversational partner.I'm also a great fan of the words "chaps", "proper" and when somebody says "cheers" to me now, I know that they are not trying to get "pissed" at 9am. 
One of my favorite expressions is also "oh bless him/her", which I enthusiastically use in my sentences whenever the situation allows me to and to be fair, I feel like there are a lot of situations where you can.

From now on, I fancy a proper good meal, get angry about the bloody weather and enjoy taking the piss out of my mates.

I have to admit that I tend to pick up words that people use around me quiet quickly and often without even realizing. I'm not sure if that's a positive thing because it actually leads to a weird combination of British, American and Singaporean expressions paired with a German accent, which leaves many people that I meet confused about where I'm from. 

However, you are officially allowed to slap me in the face as soon as I start staying "innit bruv", which I will hopefully never do. 

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