Donnerstag, 13. März 2014


This is Ashutosh Maharaj, a spiritual guru and leader of a sect called Divya Jyoti Jagriti Sansthan, which is based in Punjab, India.

He was declared as clincially dead on the 29th January, however, is kept in a freezer, since his devotees are convinced that their leader only went into a "deep transcendental meditation". 

The idea to keep him cool came up after his body started to turn greenish ("some changes were noticed in his skin") so they decided to pop him in the fridge. Well, they usually say it's a bit late when the color has already changed but the members still believe that he would come out of his "samadhi" when he desires. (Would his skin color also go back to normal…?) Questions after questions: how long are his devotees gonna keep him in the freezer? Do the temperatures inside a freezer help in the process of awakening? Disputable.

I will definitely keep an eye on that story and update you on any news concerning this case..

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