Freitag, 14. März 2014


Have you realized, that you only get hideous pimples, red spots and weird swellings in your face the day you were actually planning on going out to that party you have been looking forward to for ages or finally meeting that cute guy over dinner? I've never had them on lazy weekends, or days where I'd stay in anyway and don't get to see people.

I still remember the first day at school of my older brother, where we actually planned on going to a photographer to perpetuate this special day. It never happened though, because my eye was completely swollen when I woke up in the morning. Nobody believes happy family pictures on which one child is having an eye the size of a tennis ball, so we decided to cancel the appointment.

In the following years, it was either my brother or me,who punctually lost a milk tooth before confirmations, anniversaries, silver weddings and family events like that, which we proudly presented on the photos taken during the festivities.

I never quite understood back then why the photographer usually interrupted saying "well, we don't have to smile that big.. a little grin is also enough" but it makes sense now when I look at the photos. Whoever says black holes didn't exist should quite simply have a look at these pictures, that should be convincing enough.

I don't even want to know what that evil little uglificator inside of me has planned with me on my wedding day (not that there will ever be one) but I will definitely be prepared for the worst.

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