Mittwoch, 12. März 2014


Nail polish is a very delicate issue for me. I still remember the first nail polish my mom gave me as a kid, which I ended up putting on the protection covers of my gameboy pokémon games. I don't want to show-off or anything but coming to school with sparkling game covers pretty much made me boss of the playground. 

Nowadays, I do like the classy and sexy look of red nails or a nice bright color for hot summer days, however, I'm always too lazy to actually sit down and paint them myself. 

When I decide to color my nails once in a while, I usually regret my decision after the third finger or latest when I have to use my dysfunctional right hand. It's still fascinating to me how some girl actually manage to only paint the nail and not the entire finger, hand or wall behind them. One time I even found some polish on the tip of my nose, the color was red and I had just walked around Singapore for an entire day before realizing. I am actually surprised that no one had called me Rudolph, as this happened in December.

Anyway, what I also really hate about nail polish is the feeling you get afterwards. I don't dare touching anything for at least two days so there is a disturbing yet striking similarity between my hand movement and the gestures of Edward Scissorhans.

The most frustrating part for me though is that the nail polish usually starts chipping off latest three days after I put on the color so all the hassle I had previously was basically for nothing. I usually keep the polish for a week anyway, which makes my nail points look like a piece of cheese a mouse lustily took a bite of. 

A new and highly disturbing trend is flooding the nail salons, so-called nail art deisgn. 
Since I can't even find proper words to describe this let's say "special" trend and as a  picture is worth a thousand words anyway, just have a look at this:

Or this:

Oh boy, I think I'll just stick to my plain, uncolored nails. At least I can still hold a pen or make a phone call, which seems to be quite a challenge with these claws.

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