Donnerstag, 6. März 2014


Everyday I check the website to find out  about bizarre and funny "National Days" such as National Chocolate Covered Nuts Day or National Tooth Fairy Day. 
Today I saw that it was National Frozen Food Day and I thought to myself that as a student I can't simply ignore this without writing about it. 

I think it's safe to say that frozen food has dramatically changed the life of us lazy students. It can be seen as a milestone in the way we nourish ourselves, from ordering pizza to defrosting one, from not eating vegetable because it is too much of an effort to peel and cut it to simply open a plastic bag with a colorful variety of healthy foods which only need to be put in the microwave. 

After a few weeks here in England, I realized that it is actually possible to put everything in the freezer- from blueberries over leftovers to ready-made meals, there is practically nothing that hasn't been in our freezer yet. Even juice found its way to the upper shelve in order to cool down quicker but ended up being forgotten and deep frozen. Not very smart of us.

Me and my flatmate have been experimenting with frozen fruit a lot lately. Our tip: frozen watermelon pieces which you than souse with white wine. De-li-cious! Go try it out and enjoy the rest of the Frozen Food Day!

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