Mittwoch, 5. März 2014


When I was 12 years-old, my oculist decided that from now on a pair of glasses will accompany me through the rest of my life. In the beginning it wasn't too bad because I only needed them for looking at the blackboard or watch a movie.

Nowadays, the situation has slightly changed as my eyesight got a lot worse, however, the eye specialist insisted that I didn't need contact lenses. Stubborn me decided then that if do not need contacts I also don't have to be wearing my glasses all the time, which is actually a big mistakes and leads to many awkward and uncomfortable situations.

There is, for example, the I'm-not-sure-if-I-know-this-person-so-I'll-slightly-wave-situation which happens a lot to me, especially when wandering around the campus when it's already dark. I simply cannot tell if I know the person who is a few meters in front of me, so I usually wait for a reaction and if I think I saw a wave I'm gonna make this pathetic hand wave which could be interpreted as a hand wave or simply as a very awkward hand movement with no purpose whatsoever. 

When checking signs at the airport or train stations to find out about departure times or gate numbers , I always have to walk all the way up to the front to be able to read what it says and I have had several angry reactions of people that felt like I was rudely blocking their sight. 

Another problem I have come across quite a few times in the past are self-service restaurants or cafés, in which the menu and prices are sticked on the wall behind the counter. When I ask one of the baristas for further details with an apologetic yet slightly awkward smile about prices or what is offered, I usually just get a finger pointing to the menu. Oh boy, now I have to explain that I'm not able to read and that I forgot my glasses while a huge queue of people are angrily staring at me for wasting their time. Ugh.

In the end I know that I could stop all that nonsense by actually wearing my glasses but than again why making it simple when you can have it the complicated way. 

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