Sonntag, 16. Februar 2014


Close your eyes and think about a pillow fight. How would you imagine it to be?
I'm pretty sure your fantasies looked roughly like this: 

Well, let me tell you about something I just stumbled across today and was way too comical not to share it.
In Shanghai, there is an annual mass pillow fight, which takes place just before Christmas so that students can release all the tension from studying and working.
More than 200 participants meet up to bop each other on the head under the guidance of staff, that count down before the 10 minute fight begins. 

China is probably the only country that could turn a children's game (or the content of naughty teenage boy dreams) into an event to boost the work efficiency for the coming year.

Huang Na, the founder of the annual Pillow Fights said: "People can release the pressure of the whole year through some soft violence to be in a better condition so they can be ready for next year's work."

The seriousness concerning the annual pillow fight is in my opinion highly amusing but I am convinced that she is definitely right about the stress release.
A brilliant idea just popped into my head: Why don't we have an annual mass pillow fight at the University of Buckingham as well? 
I'd definitely join in and casually cosh all my lovely friends and enemies-sounds like great fun to me!

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