Samstag, 15. Februar 2014


"I am here today because I'm gay." There she said it- beautiful, amazing actress Ellen Page. 
I've always loved the slightly odd and awkward but very likable characters she played, for example in one of my favorite movies "Juno". 

Ellen Page confessed yesterday in front of a camera at he HRC's Las Vegas convention in a very powerful and touching speech that she is a lesbian. 

If I was gay, she would have totally had me at "If we took just five minutes to recognize each other's beauty instead of attacking each other for our differences" or latest at "Then again, it can be the hardest thing, because loving other people starts with loving ourselves and accepting ourselves."  
Very wise words considering that the Canadian actress is only 26 years. 
The timing she choose is also important as the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi aroused a heated discussion about gay-rights in Russia and worldwide.
Personally, I believe that Putin should be sent the written version of the speech or -even better- why don't we put Page in a bar in Sochi and send Anatolij Pachomow a tweet #wefoundgaysinsochi. 

As much as I admire Ellen for being so open and brave, however, I actually ask myself in what kind of a world we live, where confessing about who you love makes you a headline in the newspapers. It's like "Holy shit, an actress out there actually loves girls… oh and btw the peaces talks in Syria break up but yeah…" 
How can the sexual orientation of a single person be more important than decisions that concern the live's of thousands of people? 

Anyway, congratulations Ellen Page for a brave, touching and wise coming-out speech on Valentine's Day. You are a great inspiration not only for members of the LGBT society but for everyone out there with a strong message of charitableness, acceptance and love. 

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