Freitag, 14. Februar 2014


Here we go again: the day of flowery stuff, drunken singles and heart shaped balloons has arrived!
I feel like 2014 is the year where it is fashionable to hate on Valentine's Day but I don't really understand why. 
I am not particular crazy about this day as I hate flowers and cheesy cards but in the end it is just a normal day right? 

People nowadays would probably be more excited if there was a Grumpy-Cat-Day but than again it wouldn't be fun to complain about the whether and what not when you are actually allowed to. 
Of course it's way more entertaining to mourn about atmospheric conditions with people around you that are actually trying to have a good day.

What I hate mostly about people hating Valentine's Day though, is that those who are actually enjoying the occasion barely talk about it, whereas the counter party would not stop expressing their dislike over and over again. 
On this way, people like me, who genuinely don't care if it's Valentine's Day or not, get continuously confronted with it. 

People-get over it, get wasted, get out of my way because I've had enough of your stereotypical, reiterative whining about a day which could simply be a normal Friday. 

Seriously though, the hate is getting lame especially coming from girls who would actually be dying to get a bouquet delivered to their workplace so that everyone knows that there is mysterious admirer out there. 
What more can I say- don't hate, appreciate.
Appreciate that it's finally Friday.
Appreciate that there is going to be cheap alcohol tonight.
Appreciate that you might get a box of chocolate after all, and what else do you need for being happy?

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