Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2014


When I started my account on twitter a few days ago, I was quite fascinated how people present themselves in the description box attached to the name.
As space is quite limited there is not enough room for full bios obviously but how do you define yourselves in social media in a few words? 
I decided to simply click on some random person's account and scroll through the list of people that follow him to find out more. 
There were mainly three groups of users: the ones that describe themselves by giving their occupation, others that summarize their life in three to five bullet points and quite a few using a deep (or not so deep) quote.

The occupation-people seem to be using twitter for some serious business or for sharing articles they have read to prove their high level of intellectuality. 
No party shots but a nice retouched passport photo of them casually smiling into the camera.

Group number two tends to use self-ironic keywords, often combined with their passion for a certain food. 
I don't know if that's their special secret of success when meeting new people but since so many  do it I might try that at the next party I go to. "Leonie. Cottage Cheese lover. Almond milk drinker. Sauerkraut eater." 
That's quite a decent introduction, don't you think? Or what about: "Leonie. Cheescake craver. Melon muncher. Spaghetti slurper"?  I'd definitely want to meet me after such a kick-off.

The last group focuses on quotes, preferably by Oscar Wilde, Marilyn Monroe or Bob Marley. I've stumbled across quite a few "a wise girl kisses but doesn't loves" or "I am good, bot not an angels" under a picture of youths throwing kisses at the camera. Popular are also all kind of encouraging quotes, basically YOLO only with more words.

Oh well, who am I to talk having the most boring description box ever on

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