Dienstag, 11. Februar 2014


Growing up in metropolises such as Tokyo, Beijing, Brussels and Singapore definitely turned me into a big city fan. 
I just love the energy, the lights, the ordered chaos and how you can live in a large town for ages and still explore new corners you didn't even know they existed.

One of my favorite things to do in big cities is getting wonderfully lost, simply wandering around the streets without a map and without a clue, just going wherever you feel like going. 
Another fun thing for me is randomly hopping on the next bus that stops, picking the number of stops you pass by throwing two dices, see where fortune takes you and spend an entire day in that neighborhood. 
On this way you come across tiny music shops that sell old vinyl records, your favorite corner pub or the best pizza in town.

Many people criticize the anonymity you experience in major cities but to be honest I find it quite enjoyable from time to time to simply stroll around the streets without bumping into anyone. 
Additionally, I have experienced that you can actually get in touch quite quickly if you want to. 
Just go ahead and talk to the guy getting coffee in front of you- you might be surprised how easy it is to have a nice chat with some random person waiting in line. Especially if you are a tourist this can be tremendously helpful when needing some inside advice on where to zip mojitos or dance until sunrise.

The most magical part about big cities for me, however, are skylines at night. 
I just can't get enough of the colors and lights and sparkles showing me that there are is still so much to explore and so many people to meet.
Knowing that no matter what time you might wake up there are thousands of others awake as well is for some odd reason truly comforting for me. 

Not convinced? Just have a look at a few pictures of skylines I took during my stay in Singapore! 

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