Montag, 10. Februar 2014


Inspired by a reply on twitter concerning my last blog entry which said "it's easy to bash, harder to see the positive! Open minds see far more" I want to write about focusing on the good vs the evil today. 

Some people on the one hand are of the opinion that the best way to approach life is by sticking to the motto "always look on the bright side of life." 
Even though I am a quite optimistic person myself I do think that this can be a "dangerous" attitude just because it might lead people into shutting their eyes from the evil happening around them. 
Ignoring problems by simply looking at the good things happening is not going to improve the situation. 
Especially if you are not directly suffering from the drawbacks it is easy to focus on your own happy little sunshine life forgetting that there are people out there that are being exploited, abused and oppressed. 

On the other hand there are people who always complain about everything and see evil in everyone. There are people who actively search for faults and errors and mistakes and of course they'll find plenty to mourn about. 
It is often the same people that complain about food prices at the supermarket and intensive animal farming at the same time. 
So what should we do than? Grumble about roses having thorns or being grateful that thorns have roses? 

According to the website if the world was a village of 100 people, 52 would be living in freedom whereas 48 "can't speak, act according to their faith and conscience due to harassment, imprisonment, torture or death." 
My question here is: should we be happy that more than 50% of the population actually lives in freedom (according to the statistic) or should we be shocked, upset and outraged by the fact that 48% do not? 

Personally, I believe that we should be thankful for what we have and instead of complaining about the evils rather ask ourselves what we can do to improve the situation. 
Pretty big words coming from a student who spends an outrageous amount of time complaining (in spoken words or on my blog) about various situations but the year has just started and it's never too late to start a New Year's resolution right? 
Well, enough for today and time to mourn about my empty fridge and the fact that I am not in the mood to cook. 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Fascinating, interesting and entertaining posts!! :) keep the good stuff coming

    Greetings from Israel

  2. Thank you so much, really appreciated! For me there's no greater compliment than knowing people actually read the stuff that I write! (:
