Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014


As mentioned yesterday I am absolutely obsessed with Jim Morrison, who is mostly known for being the lead singer of the Doors but also for his poetry. When I was sixteen, my parents surprised me on Easter morning, by giving me one of his books: "The lost writings of Jim Morrision- Wilderness Volume 1". 

The book has been in my possession for nearly three years and I often skim through the pages, making little notes here and there and underlining what I find particularly interesting or beautiful. It frustrates me though, that even after having reread the poems a dozens of times I can still not make sense of most of his memorandums. Maybe that is at the same exactly what's so fascinating to me and no matter how many times I've been going over it there is still something new to discover. 

When opening the book I come across highlighted lines such as 

"People looked at each other, 
in the mirror, their children's 
eyes." (page 89)


"If it's no problem, why mention it.
Everything spoken means that,
its opposite, & everything else.
I'm alive. I'm dying." (page 80)

I also really love the excerpts 

"There's a blief by the 
Children of Man which states
all will be well" (page 107) 


         I keep expecting a
knock on the door
well, that's what you get for living around
                                                  people" (page 114)

Gosh, I just wish I could have creeped in his brain for only a minute to find out what he was actually trying to tell us.
Thank you anyway, for leaving so much behind we can agonize about or simply songs to enjoy like this one: 

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