Montag, 24. Februar 2014


Help- I'm slowly starting to turn into a hibernator! 
The process of hibernating usually contains the following elements: before the animals start their beauty sleep they eat lots of food, while hibernating they wake up from time to time to snack on nuts or sunflower seeds they hid previously and when they fully revive in spring they eat even more.

I currently find myself in phase number two after successfully passing the first stage, in which I caught myself munching on something throughout entire day. 
I usually had a breakfast, followed by a second breakfast, followed by a snack, a pre-lunch snack and so on and so forth until I reached the midnight snack and just fell into bed afterwards.

As I said I'm currently in the second phase, which means my days are structured by sleeping, waking up , grabbing some food and going straight back into my hibernation hideout. I just realized that I'm even adapting my diet to what squirrels eat, snacking on nut & raisin mixes I hid in my desk drawer. 
Right now there is such a striking similarity between me and the hibernators that I should probably check regularly if I'm starting to grow a winter coat. 

Anyway, I've been up without napping for quite a while so I'm gonna curl up now and hopefully wake up when it's already spring, feeling energized and refreshed.

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