Freitag, 21. Februar 2014


Good morning guys!
Sorry for not updating you on the banalities of my daily life yesterday but when I got home the internet server was shut down for the night.
For a minute I thought about posting that I was not going to be able to post tonight until I realized that I just went full retard. 
Oh boy, I'm starting to get old.

Anyway, not having internet for the night made me go to bed at 11pm and when I say go to bed I actually mean sleeping.
Usually, when I have a lecture next morning starting at 9am I go to bed at around 11pm, all grown up and mature knowing that I need my good nights sleep. 
Before actually turning off the light, however, I just want to have a quuiiick look at my emails but I somehow find myself googling the different subspecies of the Petaurus breviceps at 3 o'clock in the morning.
How that happens is a miracle to me because I swear that I only opened my email account. Yeeeah, I might have had a tiny glimpse at Facebook and oh, someone posted this really funny youtube video of the guy who does vines, what was his name again, let me check and…. oh well. 

I think I should install these child-proof locks , automatically switching off my internet after 11pm. But than again, I highly doubt the effectiveness if I was the one to set up the password. 

Seriously though, simply not being available (and as I still don't have a UK number yet I really mean unavailable) gave me the comfortable feeling of being "allowed" not to immediately answer to whatsapp messages, emails or notifications on Facebook. 
I actually enjoyed it so much to the point that I think about having "silent island" nights more often, on which I'd do whatever I've wanted to do for a long time but than decided to watch a movie or go on buzzfeed instead.
We'll see how that goes, for now I urgently have to catch up on what I've missed last night! 

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