Mittwoch, 30. April 2014


One of my favorite parts of the year has just began: the time where one actively starts to plan the summer holidays. Whereas some families love going to the same place at the beach every yea and a secret handshake with every liftboy, we usually go for a new country or region when we are on a vacation. Especially my dad is super passionate when it comes to planning crazy trips but ever since he made us travel through Uzbekistan, my mom is watching the planning process like a hawk. 

Finding a destination every family member is happy with is quite a challenge though, because my brother hates heat, sun and the beach but at the same time doesn't approve of snow or skiing, I am not a great fan of mountains and hiking and my mom turns into grumpy cat when the food is bad. Finding a destination therefore takes up at least 2 months, several glasses of wine (or whiskey in hardship cases) and plenty of creativity so everyone at least agrees on coming along. 

During our last skype session with my brother, my dad announced that this year's travel destination is going to be rather unusual and located in the southeast of Europe. My brother, who is always prepared for the worst, immediately turned a little pale, put on his worried face and declared that there was no way he was going on a vacation in Crimea. Before the situation could escalate any further, my dad tried to smooth ruffled feelings by announcing that he was in fact only referring to Bulgaria. Eerie silence. "Bulgaria?!" . Yep, family Pulch will indeed travel two weeks through the country of rakia and lukanka. I'm actually really excited for this trip because I have never been on the Balkan Peninsula before. In the following weeks I will do a very detailed research on the Bulgarian cuisine, must tries and the regional wine list. Let's goooo!

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