Freitag, 11. April 2014


Oh my days, what a journey! Traveling from Singapore back home to England took me 24 hours, two flights, two train rides, a bus ride and a taxi for the last bit. Even though I was completely exhausted when I got back, I actually enjoyed most of the journey. 

The flight from Kuala Lumpur to London was the best part because I got to sit right in between a Malaysian extended family of at least 15 members, who were all extremely excited for their first trip to Europe. I was sitting next to one of the daughters, who was probably around 20-ish and in charge of organizing everything- from filling out the arrival cards for the entire family to ordering orange juice for grandpa, who was sitting  across the entire cabin at the very back. Although the family was spread over the entire compartment, it didn't seem like a good enough reason for them not to communicate with each other. It was quite fun to find out who else was part of the family just by hearing more and more people join into the conversation from an entirely different row. When it was time for dinner, the daughter ordered the meals for the entire family, which caused quite a bit of confusion because as soon as one member discovered that the beef noodles looked slightly odd everyone suddenly claimed to have asked for the chicken rice. In the end they agreed on changing the meals after being halfway finished, where I was told to get involved and assigned to pass on the plates. Afterwards, everyone agreed on watching the movie "Rio" and tried to start the film synchronically. After several practice rounds (grandpa struggled with the menu) and a countdown from 10 every single time by the entire family they finally succeeded. From now on, half of the cabin laughed hysterically, cried or boiled with rage according to whatever happened to the birds in the movie. I just loved how everyone was so excited and whereas most people complain about flying being boring they seemed to have had a fun time (except for maybe grandpa who seemed a bit overwhelmed). 

My first day back at Uni was absolutely amazing even though I managed to make a fool out of myself right on the first day. Our apartment is being renovated at the moment and on my way out of the flat for my first lesson my hair got stuck on the wall which had just been painted. I was running late so I didn't even time to fix the mess on top of my head and got into my first lecture only to find out we were doing portrait shots of each other. Great. I bet that I'm the only person, who manages to get white paint all over her hair on the same day we are doing portrait shots in class. It was great fun though and I felt like everyone really enjoyed themselves being outside, posing for the camera or being in charge of capturing a beautiful smile or goofy grimace. Even though my holiday was amazing I'm really happy to be back and get back to the work I love doing. 

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